nothing new or exciting, like I do believe in god, but what you have to remember, is that the movie "Passion of the Christ" was pretty much exactly how you described it. Two hours of Violence, no real plot. This little questionable game you have "whipped" together... well i don't know what to say. The Graphics were good, but the topic, was just a little harsh. You really have pissed off some people. What REALLY amuses me though, is your freakin' responses to the reviews. HAHAHA! Oh god! I've spent two fuckin' hours just sitting here reasing the reviews, and your hilarious responses to them! God!! I can't wait to see what you write to this. Great Job! You're a fast thinker! But, back to the topic. You do have some talent, but you should try to use it on something else... Like make fun of Howard Stern or something. I don't know. But as you may have seen... Your score right now is 1.29, and thats horse shit for someone with your talent. But, good luck!